
All News

April 12, 2018

January 1, 2018

October 2, 2017

In January, U.S. secretary of defense James Mattis articulated the case for viewing environmental and national security as interrelated, arguing that “the effects of a changing climate—such as increased maritime access to the Arctic, rising sea levels, desertification, among others—impact our security situation.” [1] This argument has long been accepted by many scholars and governments alike and has been acknowledged as a key reason behind many national plans to combat climate change.

Salil Tripathi | The Colonel Who Would Not Repent: The Bangladesh War and its Unquiet Legacy
Reading - Nonfiction: Chowdhury Center | October 2 | 5-7 p.m. | Stephens Hall, 10 (ISAS Conf. Room)

October 1, 2017

people getting off of a boat and wading in waterOn 14 September, an Indian Air Force aircraft landed in Chittagong with 53 tonnes of relief materials, including food, salt, cooking oil and mosquito nets. The delivery was meant to help Bangladesh cope with the vast influx of Rohingyas—a minority community in Myanmar that is facing large-scale violence there.

September 18, 2017

The Creative Arts in Bangladesh: An Evening with Anisul Hoque
Lecture: Chowdhury Center | September 18 | 5-7 p.m. | Stephens Hall, 10 (ISAS Conf. Room))

September 1, 2017

By Steve George, CNN

Updated 12:06 PM ET, Fri September 1, 2017

(CNN )In rural areas across northern Bangladesh families are preparing to mark Eid al-Adha, one of the holiest dates on the Muslim calendar.

March 22, 2017

Eye on South Asia: Challenges to Development and Democracy in Afghanistan, Bangladesh, India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, and Nepal
Panel Discussion: Chowdhury Center | March 22 | 5-7 p.m. | Faculty Club, Seaborg Room

Video Recording of Lecture. Please scroll below to see a Storify of the event and photos from the event

March 10, 2017

February 16, 2017

Bangladeshi Lawyer and Human Rights Activist, Sara Hossain delivers the Chowdhury Center Distinguished Lecture for 2017
Lecture: Chowdhury Center | February 16 | 5-7 p.m. | Hearst Field Annex, D37 (Blanche du Bois Room)

January 1, 2017

September 15, 2016

September 3, 2016

people protesting holding a bannerBangladesh, unlike its neighbour India, has maintained a low profile for the outside world. However, contrary to its image, the political-economic significance of Bangladesh is actually huge. To start with, the country happens to be the eighth most populous nation-state in the world with a vast majority of Muslim population.

August 1, 2016

April 25, 2016

Rubana Huq | Price and Progress: Beyond Rana Plaza in Bangladesh
Lecture | April 25 | 5-7 p.m. | Stephens Hall, 10 (ISAS Conf. Room)

April 4, 2016

Sewing Power: Labor Rights in the Garment Industry in South Asia
Conference/Symposium | April 4 | 1-3:30 p.m. | Stephens Hall, 10 (ISAS Conference Room)

A summary of the lecture
by Sridevi Prasad, ISAS Program & Publications Assistant

March 13, 2016

Nobel laureate Amartya Sen in conversation with UCB Professor of Economics, Pranab Bardhan: The Subir and Malini Chowdhury Center Distinguished Lecture for 2016
Lecture | March 13 | 4-5:30 p.m. | The Sanctuary, First Presbyterian Church, 2407 Dana St, Berkeley, CA

Videorecording of the lecture